
Holy Ghost Cathedral Holy Ghost Cathedral(TM) (located in Chicago founded in 1954) is a Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in which the word of God is preached, ordinances are administered and the doctrine of sanctification and holiness is emphasized, as being essential to the salvation of mankind. History Holy Ghost Cathedral was originally organized by Pastor Jim Hayes IV, carried on by The Prophet Elder Dennis Graham. God gave Elder Eugene Hodges, Jr. the vision to Pastor. While pasturing, Prophet Graham changed the name of the ministry and allowed Elder Eugene Hodges to continue doing community work in the name of Holy Ghost Cathedral. Continuing to follow the leading of the Lord, Pastor Hodges was lead to the Northern Illinois Jurisdiction under Bishop Cody Marshall’s leadership and to the Sweet Holy Spirit District under Superintendent Willie Richardson. God sent Pastor Hodges and the Holy Ghost Cathedral to the Roseland Community, Chicago, IL, which is the former location of Maranatha Christian School with a large auditorium and 8 classrooms. We held our first service in what is now our Recreation Room on January 25, 2009. In 2015, our District Superintendent decided to move out of state leaving the position open. After a consensus of the District Pastors, they asked Bishop to consider Pastor Eugene Hodges. Bishop took the suggestion of the pastors and offered the position to Pastor Hodges. He accepted and became the 3rd Superintendent of the Sweet Holy Spirit District. This Church is Holiness, Sanctified or Pentecostal in nature because of the importance ascribed to the events which occurred on the Day of Pentecost, the 50th day after the Passover, or Easter as being necessary for all believers in Christ Jesus to experience. On the Day of Pentecost, the first day of the week, the Lord's Day, Supernatural Manifestations descended in marvelous copiousness and power. The gift of The Spirit in the fulfillment of the promise of Jesus to clothe those who would wait in Jerusalem with power from on high, was accompanied by three supernatural extraordinary manifestations. The sudden appearance of the Holy Ghost appealed first to the ear. The disciples heard a "sound" from heaven which rushed with a mighty force into the house and filled it--even as a storm rushes--but there was no wind. It was the sound that filled the house and not a wind, an invisible cause producing audible effects. Next, the eye was arrested by the appearance of tongues of fire which rested on each of the gathered COMPANY. Finally, there was the impartation of a new strange power to speak in languages they had never learned "as the Spirit gave them Utterance." The Church is also considered to be a member of the great Protestant body though it did not directly evolve from the European or English Reformation. The vision of this ministry is to promote the moving of the Holy Ghost to Save soul, set the captives free, heal the sick and bind the devil and cast him out. In times of old, the Holy Ghost moved in the church more than today. We have more distractions than ever and we have become to busy to seek God more. Through revivals and shut-ins, this church will seek God more and focus of the spiritual aspects of God. With this focus, have on the full armor of God to fight and withstand the wiles of the devil and then direct our attention to the natural needs of man. Man is both spiritual and natural and we will supply the needs of the total man. Community This church, as an organization, shall uplift and help those in need. We have and will offer programs for the youth and veterans geared toward learning, Job placement and giving both demographics fitness programs. We have vaccination events through the pandemic and passed out supplies to seniors in urban areas.

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